Dupré Logistics

Our Commitment

Dupré Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Policy.

Dupré Logistics, LLC is committed to our Environmental, Health, Safety and Security programs throughout the company. The Dupré vision of being “the safest transportation and logistics company in North America” does not end. With that said we will tirelessly work towards making our vision reality. The Dupré programs of EHS&S are essential to our team members, our customers and the communities we serve. With this in mind, management is committed to the establishment and support of comprehensive EHS&S Programs for all departments and at all levels of activity within the organization.

To achieve our safety goals, Senior Management is committed to lead our company in a manner which moves us closer to our EHS&S initiatives. We have a strong commitment to RCMS and Regulatory Compliance and the regular review of all measurements.

Dupre Logistics
  • This means we strive to maintain the environment in its current state within our operations and the community in which we operate.
  • This means we do not injure others or damage property of others.
  • This means we operate our business with security in mind during all portions of our business.
  • This means we continuously drive down Big 4 Accidents and personal injuries on a year-to-year basis.
  • This means we win safety awards and receive positive recognition from the industry.
  • This means we use technology to improve safety performance.

No part of our job is so important that we cannot take time to do it safely. The full support of all team members is essential to the effectiveness of our Safety Program. Each employee has an obligation to cooperate fully in the Environmental, Health, Safety and Security Programs by helping to protect themselves, their fellow team members and our stakeholders both internal and external. It is critical that we all have open and honest communication at all times.

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