Dupré Logistics


The Right Products…At The Right Time

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Having the right products at the right time and at the right cost is the goal of good supply chain management. This seemingly simple process can make or break a company. In today’s competitive and crowded market, anything less than an excellent supply chain management can destroy a company – even if you’re offering a […]

Protecting Your Shipments After They Leave

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Once your product has left your location, a lot of factors are out of your control. Things happen. There can be fire, flood, theft, accident, natural disaster, etc. How do you protect your interests to minimize losses from any of these situations? First of all, of course, make sure that you and your logistics vendor […]

How to Best Handle Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Issues

Thursday, April 19, 2012

There is no question that shipping full truckloads is the most efficient and cost effective way to ship your goods. However, even companies that usually ship full truckloads often have the need at times for less-than-truckload shipments. LTL shipments cost more per unit and frequently take longer to arrive at their destination. They’re also the […]

Your Logistics Partner Is A Part Of Your Team

Monday, April 02, 2012

In our last blog, we talked about how hidden costs can disguise what your logistics functions are really costing you. Today, we want to talk about how you can best minimize these costs by making your primary logistics provider part of your team. Obviously, you need to be working with a company that knows and […]

It’s The Hidden Costs That Get You

Monday, March 26, 2012

You’ve just read your financial statements and found that you’ve saved a lot of money on your logistics costs. However, you don’t understand why this isn’t showing up in a better bottom line. This is a common problem which is usually due to the hidden costs involved with logistics. If you are only attributing the […]

The Scarcity of Drivers

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Many experts are predicting a major scarcity of truck drivers due to several factors. As we’ve mentioned in previous blogs, the new federal rules for drivers is one factor that will make it more difficult to find qualified people. In addition to this, the rising costs of fuel are causing many independent drivers to leave […]

The Value of Specialization

Monday, March 05, 2012

If you have a pain in your chest, you don’t call your dentist. You don’t even call your orthopedist. You call your cardiologist, and, if you don’t have a cardiologist, you call your general doctor or internist and get a recommendation for a great cardiologist. You don’t want your body to be worked on by […]

Success Today Is About Preventing Problems Before They Happen

Sunday, February 26, 2012

In past times distribution companies viewed their logistics functions as an expense that needed close watch in an effort to keep the costs down. Walmart’s, among others’, huge successes made this concept obsolete years ago, yet too many businesses still fall prey to this belief. Supply chain management can make or break a company, depending […]

It’s All About Change

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

“If the rate of change outside your organization is greater than the rate of change inside your organization, your organization is in trouble.” — Jack Welch, famous past CEO General Electric The only constant in life is that things change. Today, change is occurring at ever faster rates. If you look back over time, from […]

When Cutting Costs Use A Scalpel

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cutting costs effectively with minimal harm to your business requires a scalpel. not an axe. This is not a new message. It’s been preached by management experts for decades. Yet, still, in difficult times, poor managers still use the axe. They send out the message that every department has to cut their costs by X […]

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