Dupré Logistics


Logistics Management and Chess

Thursday, September 08, 2011

We’re often asked about how to avoid mistakes in logistics activities. Logistics is like a chess game – you always have to be thinking ahead about what effect any action will have several steps down the road. Companies often make the mistake of looking at logistics functions through a transactions prism instead of as a […]

No News Is Not Necessarily Good News

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Most companies today seem to believe that, if customers aren’t complaining, they must be satisfied, living by the philosophy that “no news is good news.” Unfortunately, that is frequently misleading. Many people don’t like to complain or confront, or simply don’t have the time. If customers aren’t happy, they: Begin listening to the calls from […]

Relationships Are Critical In Outsourcing

Monday, August 22, 2011

Are you afraid to outsource some of your functions to another company? Do you fear losing control? Do you believe it will cost more than doing it yourself? These are the primary fears that keep many companies from obtaining the savings and peace of mind that comes from having specialists take over some functions. Our […]

Are Invisible Costs Hurting Your Company?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Logistics has long been thought of, by most companies, as an operating cost that must be minimized. This is a very short-term and, frequently, dangerous viewpoint, not only in assessing logistics costs, but in analyzing costs for other functions as well. What are invisible costs? These are the costs that do not show up on […]

CSA: Where Road Safety Meets Logistics

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lots of change in the trucking world; currently we’re in an age of regulation. The big focus is the recent and ongoing implementation of the new CSA (Controlled Substances Act) laws. Safety has long been an aim of multiple administrations, but the implementation of public safety objectives has typically been left to the states. By […]

The Times They Are A (Always) Changing

Thursday, August 04, 2011

One of the big trends in the last twenty to thirty years, which has accelerated even further in the last three or four and will probably accelerate even faster in the future, is that companies continue to get leaner and flatter as they downsize and utilize technology more. They’ve reduced costs even after previously reducing […]

Staying Ahead of Legislation

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Federal and State legislators continually create new laws that affect businesses in many industries. It’s hard enough to watch for new laws that have already been passed and then rush to meet the new requirements. It is critical for all business owners and managers to think ahead and watch for signs of what new legislation […]

Are You Ready for Better Times?

Friday, July 08, 2011

As our country is coming out of the recent deep recession, we need to make sure that our companies are ready. We’ve all trimmed our costs as much as possible to survive the recession, but now, to grow and flourish in better times, we need to change our focus from cutting costs to investing wisely […]

Welcome To Driving The Supply Chain Blog!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Lots of changes are happening in the field of logistics and in most other industries as well, and we’re sure more changes will be coming. The world moves quickly these days and we have to keep up with it. New regulations… New Technology… New challenges. We welcome you to our new blog. Let us know […]

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