Dupré Logistics


American Trucking Association Recognizes Dupré for Highway Safety

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The American Trucking Association (ATA), the national image and advocacy organization for the U.S trucking industry, has recognized Dupré Logistics for their safety performance. The ATA’s Annual Safety and Human Resources Conference awards ceremony was held on November 4, 2015 in Little Rock, AR.

Dupré Logistics was presented with 2 awards based on their 2014 safety performance.

  • 3rd Place Industrial Safety Contest- General Commodity Truckload, up to 300 employees category
  • 1st Place Miscellaneous- Dump Truck Division, unlimited employees category

Director of Safety and Training, Alfred “Al” LaCombe underscores the focus Dupré places on safety. He said, “Dupré has had an outstanding safety record for a number of years, but we are always looking for ways to improve our performance. We strive for continuous improvement from each employee as a part of our culture.” LaCombe continues “Our programs are in the capable hands of our drivers and safety specialists who work day-in and day-out completing each task safely.”

Dupré Logistics, LLC headquartered in Lafayette, LA specializes in bulk and package hazmat logistics solutions. Our award winning safety record (ATA President’s Trophy twice; 70+ additional safety awards in 10 years), hazardous materials expertise (88% of drivers hazmat certified) and low driver turnover (3 times better than industry average) make us the firm for companies looking to lower their risk and overall cost of transportation. For more information visit www.duprelogistics.com or call us at 855-686-5478.

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