Dupré Logistics


Dupré Logistics Recognized By ATA For Safety Performance

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Last week, The American Trucking Association (ATA), the national image and advocacy organization for the U.S. trucking industry, recognized Dupré Logistics for their performance. The ATA’s Annual Safety and Human Resources Conference awards ceremony was held on September 26, 2013 in Reno, Nev. Dupré Logistics was presented with 3 awards based on 2012 safety performance.

Dupré Logistics, LLC was presented with the following awards:

  • 3rd Place in the Industrial Safety Contest – General Commodity Truckload category up to 300 employees
  • 2nd Place in the National Truck Safety Contests – Safe Fleet Awards, Miscellaneous, Unlimited Mileage
  • Safety Improvement Award for improvement of safety performance during 2012.

Director of Safety and Training, Alfred “Al” LaCombe underscores the focus Dupré places on safety. He said, “While Dupré has had an outstanding safety record for a number of years, we are always looking for ways to do better. We strive for continuous improvement from each employee.” LaCombe continues “Each employee is a true steward of the safety programs here at Dupre’. Our programs are overseen from the top down but work daily from the bottom up by job experts completing each task safely one at a time.”

About Dupre Logistics: Dupré Logistics, LLC is a team of professionals who design and deliver safe, diversified solutions and services for quality-focused clients committed to increasing their competitive advantage. Dupré has more than 1,300 team members and is headquartered in Lafayette, La.

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