Dupré Logistics


Performance Requirements Decide the Solution: Choosing the Right Technology Solution

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The trucking industry is at a point of unprecedented technological growth. With exciting new solutions emerging like cloud-based IoT telematics and sophisticated V2X communications, shipping and logistics companies are starting to rethink the ways in which they operate to accommodate a changing business environment.

However, when it comes to implementing a technology solution across an entire fleet of vehicles, companies need to be sure that they’re investing in technology that will work for them, not against them—especially when it comes to important regulatory concerns like ELD integration. Not only do companies need to adopt technology that is sturdy and reliable, it also needs to easily integrate into operations. This can prove difficult if not handled correctly.

Start by Determining Good Requirements

The sheer number of transportation technology vendors has produced a lot of noise for key decision-makers. This can make it difficult to determine the best technology solution for a given problem, especially when that solution has to be scalable across a number of users. In order to ensure that you’re choosing technology that can be integrated effectively into your company’s operations, you have to start by clearly defining your performance goals—what must this new technology accomplish?

Once you have clearly-defined requirements, they can serve as a checklist to weigh and compare technology solutions against one another. By doing this, you can easily determine what product features you need, and which are extraneous. According to Dupré Logistics CIO, Bob Verret, “Components should always improve the drivers’ ability to operate their vehicle. If they don’t you shouldn’t consider them.”

Important In-Cab Features to Consider

Telephony Network

With the growing reliance on smart devices to address ELD concerns and maintain communications, a strong telephony network is vital to ensure reliable end point data sharing. Companies should at least be considering implementing 4G connectivity across their network for reliable coverage.


The implementation of 4G connectivity opens the door for new applications of image capture technology. Now, cameras can be used to communicate visual data near instantly. This video provides managers proof of drivers unsafe behaviors and allows them to share and coach to improve driver behaviors.

Signature Capture

This has quickly become standard in the industry, as the ability to capture a digital signature and compile all necessary documents to build a customer report is incredibly valuable. This allows managers to easily track pertinent information to keep DSO in line.

Over the Air Update

As a driver’s cab becomes more integrated with technology, you begin to create more points of failure. You want to avoid situations where you have to bring the truck to a physical location to receive patches and updates, which is why you want to keep an eye out for technology that allows wireless delivery of new software data.

The Power of Performance Requirements

If you’re not taking the time to assess your technology needs based on performance needs, then you’re risking making an expensive mistake. However, by carefully aligning operations, technology integration and performance requirements, you can be assured that you’re equipping your employees (and company) for success into the future.

To learn more about how other technologies are influencing the world of supply chain management, please visit our blog here.

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