Dupré Logistics


Watch Your Clock: New Hours of Service Regulations

Monday, July 22, 2013

Last week we highlighted important changes made by the USDOT to the Hours of Service (HOS) Regulations. While many shippers are not fully aware of the impact of these changes, a failure to properly prepare, plan and manage for them will result in higher costs and breakdowns in your supply chain. In an industry that […]

New Hours of Service Regulations: What You Need to Know

Monday, July 15, 2013

Earlier this month new Hours of Service regulations were put into effect by the US Department of Transportation. While this has earned lots of attention from trucking companies, many shippers are, at best, only slightly aware of these changes. While the changes at first glance may seem small, and there are some pundits who claim […]

The Best Marketing & PR Tool: Operational Excellence

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The best products and services work double-duty. If you’re doing it right, your products and services can double as their own marketing strategies. Think about it: when was the last time you made a buying decision based off of what you saw in a commercial or saw in an advertisement? Sure, it happens all the […]

Building a Culture of Safety in Your Supply Chain

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

With it, your supply chain reduces costs, maintains the highest standards of safety, and complies with all government regulations. Without it…who knows? We’re talking about a culture of safety. This isn’t just an important part of the process of building a safer supply chain—it’s really the only part. At Dupré Logistics, we focus on building […]

The Impact of Ecological Disasters on an Industry

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Be honest: when you hear about ecological disasters on the news, how much attention do you really pay to the damage totals? Such high numbers seem to be tossed around on such a routine basis that it’s difficult to understand the very human impact that millions—and even billions—of dollars of damage can do. That’s why […]

The Secrets to Hiring Excellent Drivers

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Anyone who’s in the distribution business will tell you that your company will only run as well as the drivers you hire—and that statement couldn’t be more true. After all, it’s not the managers or the supply chain experts who drive the trucks. Without excellent drivers, no distribution would get done and logistics would be […]

National Tank Truck Carriers Recognizes Dupré for Excellence in Safety

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wednesday, The National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC) Association recognized Dupré Logistics with the Grand Award in the 31.5 – 40 million mile class in Personnel Safety. Dupré has a long history of carrying hazardous materials via tank truck and has been a NTTC member since 1984. As a full service logistics provider, Dupré drivers were […]

Transporting Chemicals Responsibly

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Moving chemicals across large distances is not an easy task—but somebody’s got to be up to the challenge. As it turns out, transporting chemicals safely and responsibly isn’t just about the machinery and equipment you use, but also the people you select to ensure that the operation is running smoothly. We at Dupre Logistics work […]

Ecology & Safety: A Match Made in Heaven

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Businesses are used to making compromises. If they want to be eco-friendly, they prepare to pay more in costs. If they want more safety, they need to work harder. People believe that to make an “improvement,” you also have to make some sort of “compromise.” But not every improvement needs to be offset by negative […]

Dupré Logistics recognized by National Safety Council for Excellence in Safety

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The South Louisiana Chapter of the National Safety Council (NSC) recently presented Dupré Logistics with the Occupational Safety Award of Merit for 2 million to 4 million hours worked. Thirty-five companies or divisions of companies entered the contest with an average incidence rate of 1.07. Dupré’s incident rate of 0.89 qualified the company for the […]

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